Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Sleeping Fool

Cecil Collins

The Sleeping Fool 1943

Art museum security guards spend their days in uniform, speaking quietly or not at all, surrounded by works of irreplaceable art.

It may look easy, but the job requires a stressful degree of responsibility, poise, and silence. Some guards may begin to feel trapped inside their own thoughts, or even inside a painting. The Sleeping Fool presents the stories, dreams and thoughts of those who work behind the walls of an art gallery.


For the documentary The Sleeping Fool, Sofia Saldanha won the Best New Artist Award in the 2010 Third Coast / Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition.The story was produced in 2009 for Goldsmiths College, Master of Arts degree.

Produced by Sofia Saldanha

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I Didn't Know That

Tamzen Moulding didn't know what was really happening behind
the illusionary side of showbiz.


Produced by Sofia Saldanha for the 2010 TCF ShortDocs Challenge: Book Odds

Photo: Tiago Oliveira

Friday, August 13, 2010

Chain of Missing Links (de Unamuno)

Miguel de Unamuno is a very important figure in Spanish history. However his great grandson is much further away from him than any other person in Spain.


Produced by Sofia Saldanha for the 2010 TCF ShortDocs Challenge: Book Odds

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sete Fontes Sete Vidas

Sete Fontes Sete Vidas from PauloOliveiraSousa on Vimeo.

As Sete Fontes é um sistema de Abastecimento de água à cidade de Braga. As origens remontam ao Império Romano, Bracara Augusta, como comprovaram algumas escavações arqueológicas. O actual sistema, construído por ordem do Arcebispo Dom José de Bragança, data do século XVIII.

in wikipedia

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Todas as câmaras partiram para outra guerra/All the cameras have left for another war

Sindicato de Poesia - último rascunho - 2009 from PauloOliveiraSousa on Vimeo.

Último rascunho de «Doze meses menos um», exibido em Dezembro de 2009 no Estaleiro Cultural Velha-a-Branca.

+ info

Direcção: Sofia Saldanha
Sonoplastia: Paulo Oliveira Sousa e Sofia Saldanha
Imagem: Pedro Guimarães

Sindicato de Poesia 2009

Thursday, April 08, 2010

All the cameras have left for another war

Todas as câmaras partiram para outra guerra

Aqueles que sabiam o que se passava aqui

têm que dar lugar àqueles que sabem pouco.

E menos que pouco

E até tão pouco quanto nada.

Those who knew
what was going on here
must give way to
those who know little.

Wislawa Szymborska

A Jóia/The Jewel
– Dunya Mikhail
Voz: Manuela Martinez
Música: Brian Eno & Harold Budd – The Plateaux of mirror
A mulher de Noé/Noah's Wife – Linda Gregerson
Voz: Marta Catarino
Música: Brian Eno & Harold Budd – The Plateaux of mirror
Uma canção no fim do mundo/Song on the End of the World – Czeslaw Milosz
Voz: Luís Barroso
Música: Peter Broderick – floating sinking
“O princípio e o fim” – Wislawa Szymborska
Voz: Marta Catarino
Música: Peter Broderick – floating sinking


VELHA-A-BRANCA, 29 de Janeiro 2009

Direcção: Sofia Saldanha
Sonoplastia: Paulo Oliveira Sousa e Sofia Saldanha
Imagem: Pedro Guimarães